Yes, astigmatism can cause headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision at all distances. Fortunately, it can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery, which can alleviate these symptoms. […]
Is Radiofrequency Treatment Safe for Eyes?
In short, yes, RF skin tightening treatment is safe and gentle for the eyes and skin around the eyes. […]
How Often Should You Get New Glasses?
It’s a good idea to replace your glasses every 1–2 years, but you should get new glasses whenever you get a new prescription or your glasses get damaged. […]
How to Tighten Loose Skin Without Surgery
Firming creams and lifestyle changes can help with subtle tightening, while radiofrequency treatment can non-invasively firm up your skin. […]
What Causes Astigmatism to Worsen?
While it’s typically a manageable condition through prescription glasses or contact lenses, factors such as eye injuries, keratoconus, and aging can cause astigmatism to worsen. […]
What is Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?
If you’re looking for a way to restore youthful, radiant, and tight skin, consider radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening as a noninvasive solution. […]
Do Sunglasses Block Blue Light?
Sunglasses can block some degree of blue light, as blue light also emits from the sun, and blue light is close to ultraviolet (UV) rays on the light spectrum, but it depends on the tint of the lenses. […]
What is Dry Eye Disease?
When tear production and drainage are not in balance, it can result in the development of dry eye disease. […]
Can Contacts Cause Dry Eyes?
When you’re wearing contact lenses, your eyes can feel especially dry. This can happen due to less oxygen entering the eye, overwearing the lenses, inadequate tear production, environmental factors, or poor contact lens hygiene. […]
What Disease Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?
Some of the common diseases an eye exam can help detect include sight-threatening eye diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers. […]