While it’s typically a manageable condition through prescription glasses or contact lenses, factors such as eye injuries, keratoconus, and aging can cause astigmatism to worsen. […]
What Causes Astigmatism to Worsen?

While it’s typically a manageable condition through prescription glasses or contact lenses, factors such as eye injuries, keratoconus, and aging can cause astigmatism to worsen. […]
When tear production and drainage are not in balance, it can result in the development of dry eye disease. […]
Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure that can take under an hour to perform, but the exact amount of time can vary based on your eye health and other factors. […]
More than 100 million Americans experience allergies every year. That’s a lot of people with runny noses, itchy skin, and scratchy throats. While allergies come in many shapes and symptoms, eye allergies cause itching, burning, and dry eyes. […]
Your eye health and vision should be your eye doctor’s primary concern. Fortunately, diagnostic equipment allows the optometrist to check for anything that could affect your vision, including refractive errors like astigmatism. To check for astigmatism, your eye doctor typically uses a measurement tool called a phoropter to determine the shape and severity of the […]
A regular eye exam schedule can do wonders for your overall eye health. Your optometrist can stay up-to-date with developing visual issues like astigmatism and provide treatment options that can help you manage the condition. Astigmatism is an irregularly shaped cornea or lens that prevents light from focusing properly on the retina. This irregularity causes […]
Blurry vision can seem insignificant, but it’s a symptom linked to several different eye conditions. It may be digital eye strain, or it could be a more pressing vision issue. If you’re experiencing blurry vision, what are some of the possible causes? Continue reading to learn more about some of the 7 causes of blurry […]
Explaining Astigmatism You’ve probably heard the term astigmatism or know someone with this common vision problem, but you may not know the details of this condition or how it’s diagnosed. Astigmatism can result from an irregularly shaped cornea, or the lens inside the eye having a misshaped curve. These conditions change the way light reaches […]
Dry eyes can feel like a normal part of life but the burning sensation associated with them is a symptom of dry eye disease, a common condition affecting more than 16 million Americans. If you suffer from dry eye symptoms, how do you know when you should be making an appointment with your eye doctor? Before you rush […]
Eye alignment problems can vary from crossed eyes, misaligned eyes, or wall eyes. In order to fully understand what eye alignment problems are, we need to begin by properly defining the term. With that being said, different terms are used for different conditions. For example, crossed eyes is commonly referred to as strabismus, while a lazy […]