While astigmatism doesn’t always mean that you need glasses, corrective lenses are one of the most effective and convenient ways to manage the condition […]
Does Astigmatism Mean You Need to Wear Glasses?

While astigmatism doesn’t always mean that you need glasses, corrective lenses are one of the most effective and convenient ways to manage the condition […]
Yes, astigmatism can cause headaches, eye strain, and blurry vision at all distances. Fortunately, it can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery, which can alleviate these symptoms. […]
While it’s typically a manageable condition through prescription glasses or contact lenses, factors such as eye injuries, keratoconus, and aging can cause astigmatism to worsen. […]
Contact lenses can be a game-changer for people who want clear vision without the inconvenience of glasses. They can provide a natural look and feel that lets you live your life without limitations. In addition, unlike glasses, contact lenses do not obstruct your face and can be less noticeable to others, making them a perfect […]
Your eye health and vision should be your eye doctor’s primary concern. Fortunately, diagnostic equipment allows the optometrist to check for anything that could affect your vision, including refractive errors like astigmatism. To check for astigmatism, your eye doctor typically uses a measurement tool called a phoropter to determine the shape and severity of the […]
A regular eye exam schedule can do wonders for your overall eye health. Your optometrist can stay up-to-date with developing visual issues like astigmatism and provide treatment options that can help you manage the condition. Astigmatism is an irregularly shaped cornea or lens that prevents light from focusing properly on the retina. This irregularity causes […]